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With a fire pit and patio already in place, these homeowners needed a way to create a little more privacy to enjoy their yard without building a fence. Helping to create a sense of enclosure to their surroundings, a mixed pallet of both evergreen and deciduous plant material was chosen. A natural screen wall was created along the property line that will only get better with time. Summer color was brought into the landscape in both a small and large way. Two crapemyrtles were placed within the landscape to help shield the view from the road and bring in the colors of summer. Smaller plants adorn the landscape creating color and movement. A drainage channel was created using the natural slope of their yard with the grass acting as a channel and a pathway. Low voltage lighting was added to help highlight the features of this area, but not to distract from their use of the fire pit at night.   
This front yard was just thrown together by the builder and it needed help bad. Plants that had been in the ground over a year, had either died or not even rooted out. The volume of clay, stone & construction debris in this bed was not helping anything grow. By removing any foreign material and bringing in yards of organically rich soil and soil amendment, this planting bed now has a chance to show off what it can do. With an otherwise plain plant palette, we brought in lots of color and texture to help this front yard stand out and become something of interest within this neighborhood.

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This unique courtyard was lacking a point of interest. One side of the courtyard has a great low fence looking out onto a communal landscaped area, while as the focus of the yard from inside the house was a large PVC fence bland and uninteresting. As to not disrupt the view to the communal area, only the one side of the courtyard needed any improving. By creating raised planters, this added the extra available seating for our clients along with enriched soil to grown the plants they most desperately wanted. The back focal wall is large in stature, but focusing everyone’s attention is the custom designed and printed metal art that hangs from the wall. This piece was design & created by PLC for our clients from images, cut from rolled steel, this piece will weather and become the conversation piece they were looking for. 

just a place to sit while cooking

This backyard was as builder plain as they come. The homeowner wanted a spot for his grill and a place to sit and enjoy a drink while cooking. We created a space full of interest, with enough room to tuck the grill out of the way leading to a quaint chair a table setup for drinks and even a spot for catching some afternoon sun. The downspout was retrofitted with rain chains, helping to bring a magical interest to the area even during foul weather. The small planting bed tucked into the pocket of the house helps bring interest to an otherwise dull space. Hummingbirds and butterfly’s love to spend time with these homeowners in their new outdoor space. A micro irrigation system what installed within the bed, allowing this homeowner to relax and enjoy all the beautiful color without having the worry of watering.


This courtyard resides in the same upscale community as the previous project. Our clients wanted a space full of color, texture with low maintenance requirements. The existing concrete pad along with the poor soils offered little to be desired about this space. Creating an environment that sparked conversation through the use of different plant materials and the organic shape of the seat wall has given our clients the sanctuary they wanted.​ 

This intimate courtyard was a prime example of new construction. Located in a great neighborhood, this courtyard had drainage issues, terrible soil, lacking interest and functionality. Implementing a design that maximized the available space, an organic shape allowed the optimal amount of room to plant the proper plant materials while maintaining enough room to enjoy the space. The seat wall not only provides extra seating during outdoor events, it also brings interest at night with hidden lights to keep the space useful into the late evening hours. 



This town home located in a HOA community, needed its own identity from the other similar homes with builder grade landscapes. By removing the builder grade (improperly selected) plant materials, re-shaping the bed, amending the soil and planting materials the fit the scope of the site, this landscape sets a new standard for a community of repetitiveness. The color, texture and seasonal color added to this front yard, helps this home become a visual treat for those both living and passing through the community.


Back Yard PATIO

This household needed extra space to relax while watching their family play in the yard. This patio with a small seat wall was created to help allow a space for entertaining on the main lawn area. Proper construction has helped prevent standing water and has created proper drainage away from the base of the home.

 Copyright ©  Pierce Land Care

This beautiful home was covered up in trees and shrubs. The homeowner requested a design that would open up the space to feature their home. Over 14 tons of dry stacked stone was placed to create a private upper patio area, only understood when approaching the home. The landscape is full of seasonal color, fragrances and textures allowing this home to shine year round.

This homeowner wanted to expand their patio to incorporate areas for a new circular dining set, grill, additional seating, a raised planting bed and improve access to their backyard. This multi-level patio was created using the existing topography of their yard, allowing them to have the space they needed all in a creative way.

tOWNHOME Backyard

Patio Paver OverHaul

Front Yard Sanctuary

This backyard went from a small 10' x 10' concrete pad to a 500 sq. ft. deck complete with a working gas fireplace, natural gas grill, fountain, irrigation, landscape lighting, a pergola and custom made dining table. A dry stacked mojave stone retaining wall holds back two large planting beds while providing ample seating for larger crowds.

Lacking color, interest and harmony with the house, these front beds needed an overhaul. By rerouting the downspout and foundation drains, we resolved the existing problem from washout. Building a dry stacked stone wall to raise the bed elevation and create continuity by matching the stone used for the steps, this new bed contains the proper soil to allow these new plants to thrive. This new addition to the front yard has helped to give a sense of completion and foundation to this home. 

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metal art planter with seat walls

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colorful & interesting front yard

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For a family that loves to entertain, these clients needed a new space for everyone to spread their wings. By opening up the stair cases to both the deck and the garage entrance, it now becomes easier for multiple people to come and go without being bottlenecked at the steps. The fire pit, seating walls and pergola were designed for entertaining. You can lounge away the day while swinging on the custom hanging bench the homeowner made or grill for the masses with their new grilling area. The smokeless fire pit is a central attraction to the patio, but not the only one. The seat walls were designed facing towards the custom pergola for movie night. A pull down movie screen is hung from the pergola for movie night and the projector sits between the two seat walls where an electrical outlet was installed for power. The low voltage lighting in the seat walls and the steps help illuminate your way, while the lights in the pergola can be turned off to enjoy the show. Both day and night this patio has a lot to offer both the homeowners and their guests.

a side yard screen

a dry river runs through it


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the cultural diversity of a landscape

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boulders and color

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a colorful entrance

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This newly constructed home lacked the curb appeal it deserved. For such a nice house, the landscape was just not doing the property justice. After breaking ground on the project, we found a dumpster full of construction debris including full cinder blocks, building materials and lost tools. The soil at this project took us a full day to break up and amend with compost and new organic material. Downspouts were piped out of the landscaped areas and a new area drain was installed on the side of the driveway. Existing plants were mixed in with new plants to help diversify the plant pallet. Boulder step stones were installed on the driveway side of this project to help gain access to a steep side yard rarely used before. A fully automatic irrigation system was installed to keep the plants looking there best during the hot summer months. With the new plants in place and good soil for them to grow, this landscape will create a stunning bouquet of color for years to come. 

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Starting with a blank canvas, this new construction home was the perfect fit for my clients – except the outdoor space. With a wish list that included a dining space, lounge area, a fire pit and a water feature, these clients wanted a space for relaxing by themselves, but also enough room to throw a party. By using a little Asian flare combined with a rocky mountain retreat feel, this backyard creates a statement through elegance, usability and sophistication. The existing deck was modified to allow for easier access to all areas of the patio. A centrally located water feature can easily be enjoyed from both the lounge area under the sunburst pergola or the sunken fire pit. The seat walls created using dry stacked stone allow for ample seating when multiple guests show up to enjoy the gas fire pit. Low voltage landscape lighting has been installed throughout the landscape to allow this sanctuary to be enjoyed both day and night. A fully automatic irrigation system keeps the plants watered and the fountain full. This landscape has it all, including the feel of home. 

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an extension of the house

Nothing seemed to grow well in this yard is how this all started. Not only was the soil compacted, full of clay and building material, water runoff from the driveway was a major issue plaguing this front yard. Easy access was a must to and from the front door with multiple active kids coming and going, but interest and color were a must. A small raised bed was created using large boulders to help elevate a lace leaf Japanese maple and the surrounding plants. A flagstone pathway was created not only to help provide access to the yard, but to also act as an excessive water release for large storms. A drainage basin and tile drains were installed to collect storm water hidden in the bed edges and in the pathway. Color was introduced with new plants creating a feeding frenzy for butterflies in the summer months. A fully automatic irrigation system was installed to keep everything looking its best for when the family travels. Through functionality, interest and color, this front yard stands out from its neighbors as something to behold. 
With the growth of the existing trees shading out the lawn area and poor drainage contributing to washouts and excessive runoff, the idea for this dry river shade garden was born. Our client has a fantastic backyard, great for entertaining, but no easy way to access the area other than from inside the house. From images of inspiration, our client wanted a pathway that would lead their guests around the house, through a garden full of texture and color that would equal their existing landscape at their backyard destination. Enriching the soil, proper grading and drainage and points of interest along the path have helped to solve the issues that plagued this otherwise unused aspect of their yard.


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